Skanova: Rala stands for excellent quality through and through
“Rala is a role model for any aspiring company in this industry.” The words come from Ove Alm, CEO of Skanova, Swedens largest network owner, when commenting on the long collaboration. And high-ranked technical managers at Skanova praise Rala, both for technology and service-minded attitude.
Skanova is part of Telia Sonera – one of the leading telecom companies in the world. It’s history with Rala dates back to the early days of fibre and fibre installation technology as it is done today. Tobias Ahl, CEO and owner of Rala, remembers:
“Televerket, as the company was named back then, was in so many ways pioneering the technology that everyone takes for granted today. In the nineties it was all about providing cost-efficient fibre installation in all parts of the backbone infrastructure. At the turn of the century, it was time for the next step in Sweden’s ‘fibre to all’ policy – and our solutions proved to be the most efficient choice for metro networks in general and FTTx. Rala introduced a compact, easy-to-handle solution that now is more or less the foundation for Skanova and with some modifications also the standard. Furthermore, it has been vital for lowering CAPEX and allowing low OPEX over time.”
Leaders in multifibre technology
Robert Johansson is technical manager at Skanova, with key responsibilities for optical cables and connectors. “I’ve worked with Rala as a key supplier for more than eight years and I must say that our partnership leaves nothing else to wish for. To start with, they have created a great acceptance and reputation on the field. Our contractors always get a lot of help and support from Rala.”
“When it comes to the products, they are one of the leaders in ultifibre cables. We have tested all their products thoroughly according to the international IEC standards, and the Rala goods always delivers.”
Service minded
Willy Theis, technical manager piping at Skanova, has even longer experience of working with Rala. “I first got in touch with them 20 years ago, back in the Telia days. We’ve had a really good cooperation going ever since. What really sets them apart is their service-minded attitude. They solve problems fast and they have a strong position with their product range.
“Their solution for FTTX network is proven by time to be efficient and longlasting. I’ve known these guys for so long that I know what I’m talking about…”
Customer focus
Tobias Ahl comments: “When it comes to long-term relationships, like the one we have with Skanova, one of our obvious strengths is that we aim to take responsibility for, and supply, a complete end-to-end system. It’s hard to match our offer when it comes to providing complete solutions for entire projects and long-term strategies. This approach also enables us to stand for continuity, even if other parties in our expanding trade may come and go.”
“The customer focus has also proven to be the winning concept in the long run. We know that our customers rely on us and our expertise, and that failing is never an option.”
Fibre Company of the Year
In early 2012 Rala was honoured with Skanova’s 2012 Fibre Company of the Year Award. On the award ceremony in Stockholm, Ove Alm, CEO of Skanova, praised Ralas high quality:
“Rala was awarded the prize for their innovative solutions. This includes everything, from technical competence and know-how to construction methods and on-site safety – always adding those extra strategy and efficiency qualities. Rala stands for excellent quality through and through, in all parts of the project, from planning and strategy to excavation, piping and logistics – as testified by their many customers. This company is a great example of organic growth in all areas: technical and infrastructural as well as geographical. Rala is, quite simply, a perfect role model for any aspiring company in this industry.”
Skanova is the largest network owner in Sweden.
The company is owned entirely by Telia
Sonera – one of the world’s leading telecom
corporations. The company’s goal is to have
50% of all Swedish homes connected to the
fibre network by 2014.