Rala supports and welcomes todays newly presented legislative proposals of the European Commission1 revising Europe’s telecoms rulebook. Rala believe that the proposal sends an important signal that the policy and regulatory landscape is shifting towards prioritising fibre investments. Focusing on infrastructure based competition and regulatory tools that enable it, such as duct access is the right policy choice to drive fibre investment.
Erzsebet Fitori, Director General of the FTTH Council Europe comment on today’s news were “We welcome the streamlined focus on competitive, private fibre investment where commercially possible and the solutions proposed for building a single fibre network also in rural areas. Fibre is the new electricity and there should be nobody left behind. Stressing the geographical dimension and trying to prevent a new ‘Gigabit divide’ is a crucial change. The prioritisation of access to civil engineering assets – which, if newly built might represent up to 80% of the rollout costs – should allow Member States to build on recent measures to reduce costs and extend the reach of future proof fibre networks to many more of their citizens. FTTH networks can greatly enhance public service delivery as well as boost local businesses’ productivity”.
Read the full pressrelease here.