Our ducting offers flexibility, future-proof investment and low maintenance costs.
Rala develops, compiles and provides modern and technically reliable solutions for every aspect of a fibre network.
When you invest in fibre ducting it is important that you choose the best quality. Bear in mind that it must be possible to install, replace and upgrade the cable for the technology of tomorrow.
Direct laid thick-walled microducting is a system with microtubes in bundles. The bundles are held together by simple thin sleeving and can be buried directly in the ground. The system allows simple branching and offers good mechanical strength. Its characteristics make it ideal for short distances, for example, the last part between splice and service.
FTTx is ideal for use in situations requiring extensive expansion with many branches, tubes of various sizes and where there is a significant need for effective methods. With thick-walled, direct laid microtubes, Rala provides a technology that allows for very cost-effective expansion of the final section from distribution point to end users.
Selection of dimensions for customised solutions
Thick-walled, direct laid microtubes are available in several dimensions, from 14/10 mm, intended for high density fibres, up to 216 fibres. These are ideal for supplying splicing points, installing in sections with large amounts of fibre and for longer distances. In addition there are several dimensions, down to 7/3.5 mm, which are intended for services or the short last section to all types of terminals, base stations and the like.
Microtube technology offers an easy route to achieving a fully functioning network. Once the tubes are laid, the fibre can simply be blown all the way through to each end user. And that means saving both time and money.
Microtubes offer many benefits. They can be installed quickly into larger cable protection tubes and they are easy to splice. Additionally, there are variants for all the different conditions and all are compatible with each other. Rala’s product range also has the advantage that the tubes are coded in 12 different colours. This helps create clarity and makes installation faster and safer.
Once you have made the first and greatest outlay – the tubes are in the ground and roads have been resurfaced – you want it all to work. Naturally, it should be possible to immediately blow out the fibre to produce an error-free network. But it should also be possible to repair and update the network for many years to come. Maybe today you just need a tube that can handle a fibre length of 500 metres. But who knows what you may want in 10 years’ time? Perhaps 2000 metres? Perhaps even more? It is therefore extremely important to use the best available materials on the market. And as things stand today, the best is also the most cost-effective.
Rala only works with the best technology. There are many different characteristics which help define the quality of a tube. Things like friction, consistent dimensions and high ring stiffness. But in the end, the most important thing is that the tubes offer a long life span. We work together with world-leading producers. Partners who focus on telecommunications and ensure that we, and our customers, get the best material. Which is what we all really want.